Amla Tablet


Amla Tablet

Amla is undoubtedly a powerful house of nutrients. Being a very rich source of Vitamin C, iron and calcium, amla is a health treasure. Amla is great for boosting your immunity.  It helps in protecting cells against free radical damage. 

-  Amla or the Indian gooseberry is a powerhouse of nutrients like Vitamin C, Iron and Calcium.
-  May acts as a natural conditioner for healthy and shiny hair.
-  The vitamin C in amla tablet can absorbed more easily by the body compared to store-bought supplements.
-  Grate for boosting your immunity

Take 1-2 tablet daily preferable at mealtime or as directly by health practitioner.

Phyllanthus Emblica (Amla Fruit)

Phyllanthus Emblica: Phyllanthus Emblica (Amla) used as a rejuvenative to promote longevity, to enhance digestion , treat constipation , reduce fever , purify the blood , reduce cough , alleviate asthma , strengthen the heart , benefit the eyes , stimulate hair growth and enhance intellect.