Holyco Health (EEC) often spends resources on certain investigative undertakings, Innovation & on Research that can help to develop new products or work towards enhancing pre-existing products or processes. We believe that the search for excellence at all times is crucial for serving our customers in Ayurveda, Herbal, Nutraceutical and Cosmetic Products.

R&D is an important means for achieving future growth and maintaining a relevant product in the market. All proprietary formulation that company has launched has been developed by in-house research. The R&D department is capable of developing products in various dosage, forms and application such as tablets, capsules, powders, syrups, oils, creams, gels, lotions and oral care products. Holyco Health (EEC) continuously strives hard on Innovative natural products.

We provide our client with custom formulation services. Our qualified research team create a formulation to meet required specification & standard. Our Formulation Development facility is well-equipped for development of various solid dosage formulation (Capsules, Tablets) along with capabilities to handle liquid dosage formulation (Syrup) and also topical formulations (Creams, gels, lotion).

We have defined Standard Testing Procedures for analysis of our products, to ensure the replicable results every time. Our Quality Assurance Team ensures strict regulatory compliance at every stage of processing.

To carry out all the necessary tests, our laboratory has been equipped with a number of sophisticated technologies. We also closely associated with the best laboratories in India and we timely send our sample for detailed analysis to laboratories for research purpose to maintain quality, standard, and specification.